ForwardingLog Structures


struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog
  // Notes:
  // - Event holds one of the FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent values.
  // - To get more information, downcast this structure according to the event value.
  // See notes in the following structures for more information.

  unsigned int m_event; // FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent
  wchar_t const* m_desc;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_C2S
  // Notes:
  // - Used with all FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_C2S* events.
  // - Type holds one of the FlowSshC_ForwardingType's values.
  // - Destination address and port are not valid for ServerSide events.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog m_base;
  unsigned int m_type; // FlowSshC_ForwardingType
  wchar_t const* m_listInterface;
  unsigned int m_listPort;
  wchar_t const* m_origAddress;
  unsigned int m_origPort;
  wchar_t const* m_destAddress;
  unsigned int m_destPort;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_C2SOpenFailed
  // Notes:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_C2SOpenFailed event.
  // - Auxiliary info is optional and may be set to NULL.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_C2S m_base;
  wchar_t const* m_auxInfo;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_C2SClosed
  // Note:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_C2SClosed event.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_C2S m_base;
  unsigned __int64 m_bytesSent;
  unsigned __int64 m_bytesReceived;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_S2C
  // Notes:
  // - Used with all FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_S2C* events.
  // - Type holds one of the FlowSshC_ForwardingType's values.
  // - Listening interface and port are not valid for ServerSide events.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog m_base;
  unsigned int m_type; // FlowSshC_ForwardingType
  wchar_t const* m_listInterface;
  unsigned int m_listPort;
  wchar_t const* m_origAddress;
  unsigned int m_origPort;
  wchar_t const* m_destAddress;
  unsigned int m_destPort;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_S2COpenFailed
  // Notes:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_S2COpenFailed event.
  // - Auxiliary info is optional and may be set to NULL.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_S2C m_base;
  wchar_t const* m_auxInfo;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_S2CClosed
  // Note:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_S2CClosed event.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_S2C m_base;
  unsigned __int64 m_bytesSent;
  unsigned __int64 m_bytesReceived;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ServerSideC2S
  // Note:
  // - Used with all FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ServerSideC2S* events.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog m_base;
  wchar_t const* m_listInterface;
  unsigned int m_listPort;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ServerSideC2SAddFailed
  // Notes:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ServerSideC2SAddFailed event.
  // - Error code holds one of the FlowSshC_ForwardingErrCode_ServerSideC2SAddFailed's values.
  // - Auxiliary info is optional and may be set to NULL.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ServerSideC2S m_base;
  unsigned int m_errCode; // FlowSshC_ForwardingErrCode_ServerSideC2SAddFailed
  wchar_t const* m_auxInfo;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_Proxy
  // Notes:
  // - Used with all FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_Proxy* events.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog m_base;
  wchar_t const* m_proxyListInterface;
  unsigned int m_proxyListPort;
  wchar_t const* m_proxyOrigAddress;
  unsigned int m_proxyOrigPort;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyDecodeFailed
  // Notes:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ProxyDecodeFailed event.
  // - Error code holds one of the FlowSshC_ForwardingErrCode_ProxyDecodeFailed's values.
  // - Auxiliary info is optional and may be set to NULL.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_Proxy m_base;
  unsigned int m_errCode; // FlowSshC_ForwardingErrCode_ProxyDecodeFailed
  wchar_t const* m_auxInfo;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyStarted
  // Notes:
  // - Used with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ProxyConnectStarted and
  // FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ProxyBind* events.
  // - Proxy type holds one of the following values: FlowSshC_ForwardingType_ProxySocks4,
  // FlowSshC_ForwardingType_ProxySocks5, and FlowSshC_ForwardingType_ProxyHttpConnect.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_Proxy m_base;
  unsigned int m_proxyType; // FlowSshC_ProxyType
  wchar_t const* m_proxyReqAddress;
  unsigned int m_proxyReqPort;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyBindFailed
  // Notes:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ProxyBindFailed event.
  // - Error code holds one of the FlowSshC_ForwardingErrCode_ProxyBindFailed's values.
  // - Auxiliary info is optional and may be set to NULL.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyStarted m_base;
  unsigned int m_errCode; // FlowSshC_ForwardingErrCode_ProxyBindFailed
  wchar_t const* m_auxInfo;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyBindStarted
  // Note:
  // - Used with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ProxyBindStarted and
  // FlowSshC_ForwardingAbrtCode_ProxyBindAborted events.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyStarted m_base;
  wchar_t const* m_bindPublicAddress;
  unsigned int m_bindPublicPort;
  wchar_t const* m_bindListInterface;
  unsigned int m_bindListPort;

struct FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyBindAborted
  // Notes:
  // - Used only with FlowSshC_ForwardingEvent_ProxyBindAborted event.
  // - Abort code holds one of the FlowSshC_ForwardingAbrtCode_ProxyBindAborted's values.
  // - Auxiliary info is optional and may be set to NULL.

  FlowSshC_ForwardingLog_ProxyBindStarted m_base;
  unsigned int m_abrtCode; // FlowSshC_ForwardingAbrtCode_ProxyBindAborted
  wchar_t const* m_auxInfo;