SftpErrCode Enumeration


enum FlowSshC_SftpErrCode
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_Eof                     = 1,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_NoSuchFile              = 2,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_PermissionDenied        = 3,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_Failure                 = 4,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_BadMessage              = 5,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_NoConnection            = 6,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_ConnectionLost          = 7,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_OpUnsupported           = 8,
  // SFTP4+
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_InvalidHandle           = 9,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_NoSuchPath              = 10,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_FileAlreadyExists       = 11,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_WriteProtect            = 12,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_NoMedia                 = 13,
  // SFTP5+
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_NoSpaceOnFilesystem     = 14,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_QuotaExceeded           = 15,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_UnknownPrincipal        = 16,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_LockConflict            = 17,
  // SFTP6+
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_DirNotEmpty             = 18,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_NotADirectory           = 19,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_InvalidFilename         = 20,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_LinkLoop                = 21,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_CannotDelete            = 22,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_InvalidParameter        = 23,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_FileIsADirectory        = 24,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_ByteRangeLockConflict   = 25,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_ByteRangeLockRefused    = 26,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_DeletePending           = 27,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_FileCorrupt             = 28,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_OwnerInvalid            = 29,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_GroupInvalid            = 30,
  FlowSshC_SftpErrCode_NoMatchingByteRangeLock = 31


public enum SftpErrCode
  Eof                     = 1,
  NoSuchFile              = 2,
  PermissionDenied        = 3,
  Failure                 = 4,
  BadMessage              = 5,
  NoConnection            = 6,
  ConnectionLost          = 7,
  OpUnsupported           = 8,
  // SFTP4+
  InvalidHandle           = 9,
  NoSuchPath              = 10,
  FileAlreadyExists       = 11,
  WriteProtect            = 12,
  NoMedia                 = 13,
  // SFTP5+
  NoSpaceOnFilesystem     = 14,
  QuotaExceeded           = 15,
  UnknownPrincipal        = 16,
  LockConflict            = 17,
  // SFTP6+
  DirNotEmpty             = 18,
  NotADirectory           = 19,
  InvalidFilename         = 20,
  LinkLoop                = 21,
  CannotDelete            = 22,
  InvalidParameter        = 23,
  FileIsADirectory        = 24,
  ByteRangeLockConflict   = 25,
  ByteRangeLockRefused    = 26,
  DeletePending           = 27,
  FileCorrupt             = 28,
  OwnerInvalid            = 29,
  GroupInvalid            = 30,
  NoMatchingByteRangeLock = 31


An enumeration used with the TransferErr structure/class. It specifies possible Sftp errors.